Monday, June 3, 2024

Sheetrock Until Prufrock -- Jules Laforgue transmuted by Retorico Unentesi (2016)

Sheetrock Until Prufrock
Jules Laforgue
transmuted by Retorico Unentesi


Jules Laforgue
Au large

Comme la nuit est lointainement pleine
De silencieuse infinité claire !
Pas le moindre écho des gens de la terre,
Sous la Lune méditerranéenne !

Voilà le Néant dans sa pâle gangue,
Voilà notre Hostie et sa Sainte-Table,
Le seul bras d'ami par l'Inconnaissable,
Le seul mot solvable en nos folles langues !

Au-delà des cris choisis des époques,
Au-delà des sens, des larmes, des vierges,
Voilà quel astre indiscutable émerge,
Voilà l'immortel et seul soliloque !

Et toi, là-bas, pot-au-feu, pauvre Terre !
Avec tes essais de mettre en rubriques
Tes reflets perdus du Grand Dynamique,
Tu fais un métier ah ! bien sédentaire !


Sheetrock Until Prufrock
Jules Laforgue
transmuted by Retorico Unentesi

Comb the night with lions contained by mint
And rain! Silent sleuths of infinite clarity!
Nor the moaning echo of the genius of the earth,
Pale soup of the Mediterranean moon!

Violin Knee-Ants dance, the same pale gangrene,
Violin-Nose hostile to the Table Saints,
The sea-umbrellas damage parking reconnaissance!
The seal-moat soluble in our follicle language!

Beyond the criss-crossed desks of our epoch,
Beyond the senseless senses, armies of virgin llamas!
This emerges, inscrutable asterisks askew,
Violin-quail, immoral soul soliloquy.

And you, basking in our pot of fire, poor Earth!
With your essays dematriculated and your rubrics
Lost, your perverted leaflets of grandiose dynamite,
Your fast sun melting bah! bent and sedentary!

Sheetrock Until Prufrock
Jules Laforgue
transmuted by Retorico Unentesi

Future the night with lions contained by mint
Symphony rain! Silent sleuths of infinite clarity!
Aristocrat the moaning echo of the genius of the earth,
Ear soup of the Mediterranean moon!

Mind Knee-Ants dance, the same pale gangrene,
Printing-Nose hostile to the Table Saints,
Remained sea-umbrellas damage parking reconnaissance!
Subjects seal-moat soluble in our follicle language!

Isomer the criss-crossed desks of our epoch,
Unexpected the senseless senses, armies of virgin llamas!
Write emerges, inscrutable asterisks askew,
Thing-quail, immoral soul soliloquy.

Rimbaud you, basking in our pot of fire, poor Earth!
Prose your essays dematriculated and your rubrics
Dreaming, your perverted leaflets of grandiose dynamite,
Dreaming fast sun melting bah! bent and sedentary!

Sheetrock Until Prufrock
Jules Laforgue
transmuted by Retorico Unentesi

Future the night with lions contained by single
Symphony rain! Silent sleuths of infinite churning!
Aristocrat the moaning echo of the genius passengers,
Ear soup of the Mediterranean seed!

Mind Knee-Ants dance, the same pale incoherent,
Printing-Nose hostile to the Table rhythm,
Remained sea-umbrellas damage parking adventures,
Subjects seal-moat soluble in our follicle summer!

Isomer the criss-crossed desks of our browser,
Unexpected the senseless senses, armies of virgin ghosts!
Write emerges, inscrutable asterisks imitation,
Thing-quail, immoral soul performance!

Rimbaud you, basking in our pot of fire, poor Laforgue!
Prose your essays dematriculated and your Moon
Dreaming, your perverted leaflets of grandiose Moderns,
Dreaming fast sun melting bah! bent and eventual!

Sheetrock Until Prufrock
Jules Laforgue
transmuted by Retorico Unentesi

Future night with lions contained single
Symphony Silent sleuths of churning!
Aristocrat moaning echo of the passengers,
Ear of the seed!

Mind Ants dance, the same incoherent,
Printing-hostile to the rhythm,
Remained umbrellas damage adventures,
Subjects moat soluble in our summer!

Isomer criss-crossed desks of browser,
Unexpected senseless senses, armies of ghosts!
Write inscrutable imitation,
Thing-immoral performance!

Rimbaud basking in our pot of fire, Laforgue!
Prose essays dematriculated and Moon
Dreaming, perverted leaflets of Moderns,
Dreaming sun melting bah! bent eventual!

Sheetrock Until Prufrock
Jules Laforgue
transmuted by Retorico Unentesi

Future voice with lions contained single
Symphony bubble sleuths of churning!
Aristocrat snatches echo of the passengers,
Ear kept they to the seed!

Mind November dance, the same incoherent,
Printing-spoon to the rhythm,
Remained inconclusively damage adventures,
Subjects convulsively soluble in our summer!

Isomer invocations desks of browser,
Unexpected August senses, armies of ghosts!
Write launched free imitation,
Chat Noir performance!

Rimbaud pan in our pot of fire, Laforgue!
Prose untranslatable dematriculated and Moon
Dreaming, copied leaflets of Moderns,
Dreaming musical melting bah! bent eventual!

Sheetrock Until Prufrock
Jules Laforgue
transmuted by Retorico Unentesi

Future voice with lions judged single
Symphony bubble sleuths disease churning!
Aristocrat snatches echo loud passengers,
Ear kept they to the monologue seed!

Mind November dance, the eccentric incoherent,
-spoon to anarchist rhythm,
Remained inconclusively kitchen adventures,
Subjects convulsively soluble diabolical summer!

Isomer invocations desks transcendent browser,
Unexpected August senses, storyteller ghosts!
Write launched assembled imitation,
Chat Noir "ring child" Herring performance!

Rimbaud pan in our pot of Wasps, Laforgue!
Prose untranslatable Hydropathes and Moon
Dreaming, copied leaflets scissors Moderns,
Dreaming musical melting bah! fluid eventual!

Sheetrock Until Prufrock
Jules Laforgue
transmuted by Retorico Unentesi

Future with lions single
Symphony sleuths churning!
Aristocrat echo passengers,
Ear they to the seed!

Mind dance, the incoherent,
Printing-to rhythm,
Remained adventures,
Subjects soluble summer!

Isomer desks browser,
Unexpected senses, ghosts!
Write imitation,
"ring child" performance!

Rimbaud in our pot of Laforgue!
Prose Hydropathes Moon
Dreaming, leaflets Moderns,
Dreaming melting bah! eventual!