Saturday, March 25, 2023

Jim Leftwich, A Short History of Useless Writing

 Jim Leftwich, A Short History of Useless Writing

My essay entitled "Useless Writing" was written in March of 2001 and first published later that year in approximately 25 unique issues of Things Rescued From Eternal Nonexistence

In 2003, it was also published in Another South: Experimental Writing in the South, edited by Bill Lavender.

It was published again in 2003 by August Highland in the Muse Apprentice Guild Special Edition dedicated to the work of Jim Leftwich. 

In 2007 it was published by Slobodan Skerovic at Project Rastko, the online site for Signalism

In 2014 Olchar Lindsann composed and published, as a mOnocle-Lash chapbook, Useless Preface to a Romantasemic Writing –– by Jim Leftwich, Théophile Gautier, & Olchar E. Lindsann, a hacked-apart and reassembled manifesto. 

In 2014, using the "description" from my Useless Writing Facebook page (which I created in 2014 and abandoned in November of 2016, when I deleted my Facebook account), I made a series of "useless writing fortune cookie slips / bookmarks", which I handed out at local events and circulated in the eternal network. 

The Facebook Page is still active, (under the direction of Allan Bramhall, the last I heard) with 860 members as of January 2022.

The "description" is as follows:
1. write or be written
2. thinking is political
3. don't fuck with history