Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Jim Leftwich -- Books, booklets, notebooks & TLPs thrown in the trash in the Fall of 2019

Jim Leftwich -- Some of my books, booklets, notebooks & TLPs that I threw in the trash in the Fall of 2019

1. A History

37 volumes

several thousand pages

--- cf. page 208, rascible & kempt volume 1

2. Pansemia Press

Camouflage 2010

Sabotage 2010

Surveillance 2010

--- noisic emprientes

3. No Press noted (roughly the time period for antboo)

Unwriting One

Unwriting Two

--- dated 12.12.08

--- emprientes

To Do

--- dated 12.13.08

--- varieties of handwriting, some mine, some found

Four untitled Text/Image booklets

--- dated 2006

--- having to do with theories of the avant garde, invasion and occupation of Iraq, poetics, correspondence with Baron, etc

Tho Nateonal Socurety Stratogy Of Tho Unetod Statos Of Amoreca (2002)

--- dated Oct 2006

--- vowel-subsidization text interspersed with textimag versions of poems from The Appetites Codex (1994) 

Four magazines altered collaborative through the mail with John Crouse

---Evergreen school district

---The pig pen

--- Great family fun

--- The ultimate gaming notebook

---undated, circa. 2003 - 2004

4. xtantbooks 2002

Intravenous Rope

--- entropic book (travel magazine with pages glued and painted together, then ripped apart)

5. Collab Fest books

Seven books made at Collab Fests using materials sent by Jeff Crouch

6. Antboo

Three altered magazines, untitled, 2005

7. UNPUBLISHED Interview with Manolya Gurocak for Hece Dergi (Turkey), February 2016 (one copy printed, TLPress 2016)

8. TLPress, 5 books, 2016

Illuminations In Hell

--- visual poems on index cards taped onto 8.5 x 11 sheets, side stapled

gestural and letteral

--- smeared and smudged letter-stamps with quasi-calligraphic scribbling


--- emprientes, letter-stamps, etc


---  smeared and smudged letter-stamps with quasi-calligraphic scribbling


the letter-stamp H, smeared and smudged, plus Easter 2011, the first poem in Book 1 of Six Months Aint No Sentence, and it's revision 5 years later as Easter 2011 (and 2016) (from Book 158)

9. Lick Run folder

--- cf. p. 126, rascible & kempt volume 3


5 books of printed emails, 2003 - 2004

---Bennett, Taylor, Crouse, Quarles, Mike Will, Fierens, MacLeod, Topel, Gaze, Vermeulen, Bertola, Michael Peters, Chirot, Derek White, and more

--- re: poetry, poetics, war, publishing, politics, employment, asemic writing, reviews, academia, micropress, etc

11. TLPress Fall / Winter 2017 / Winter 2018

--- 8.5 x 11 books, side stapled

--- collage, quasi-calligraphic scribbling, notes, poems, listening to Cecil Taylor, poetics, politics and anti-politics, etc

1. I Voted (Nov 7, 2017) (Carter Page Event Score Proposal)

2. differential focus (CO2 levels 403.3 parts per million)

3. Last Chance To Eat In The Trump Ear 

--- ("Eye have been so many reasons / Why am I instead? / the added pind")

4. Ocean (and the mirror would recune on high)

5. Accident. Food. Reply Mail. (Silent Tongues)

6. lX6 nmV (pastel letter carrier 03 corolla)

7. The Writing On The Written (duties of the job instructor)

8. XYZ! (clarification of completion)

9. Stand Train gram for City Letter Car (Unit Structures, Nefertiti, Student Studies, and Praxis)

10. Standard Training for A Disguise With Your Family (Indent & Bulu Akisakira Kutala 1973)

11. UZZ VUZZ (gestural & letteral)


--- (What am I supposed to do with this? You are supposed to love it.)

13. I Remember (Are you taking notes? Yes.)

14. On Tuesday, Virginia Gets To Stand Up To Hate (Blind Joe Death)

15. Current Resident Or X-Levgie (Mudita, the opposite of epicaricacy -- with some pages from a teenaged Jeremy)

16. Make It Now (with poems and vispo cards)

17. A blur / Almost a blotch / A negligence (visual poems on index cards)

18. Words PS To Live By (of course there are so many)

19. ROUND (he sat belly shoe to rust)

20. XXI (the 31 piles of the probable devil)

21. Winged Serpent (It is in the brewing luminous)

22. How It Is (It should be larger than this / It is larger than this)

23. original PRE (Trust your Imagination)

24. SEALED for YOUR PROTECTION (Ethel Barrymore in "Scraps of Paper")

25. The Birth of a Transform Fault (beyond good and evil)

26. Kit and boots (emprientes as scores)

27. CapiTaLism (the opposite of courage is not cowardice, it's conformity)

28. Some Not In Nixon's Speeches (watch what you say, he's a writer)

29. full strong Rose Garde hinting words (Algonquin, 1998)

30. All the Clothes that Nature Wears (Ineffable art, ever shaggy)

31. Excursion Failing on a Failing Wobbly Rail (staggering of entanglements)

32. Facts, Norms, and Obtuse Fodder (soul-lobby on the brow of bees)

33. Invisible Fence (how life together is cooking the state)

34. A Vita (with text collages made from Croatian newspapers sent by Tomislav from Rijeka)

35. ONE TWO THREE (Nefertiti, the beautiful one has come)

36. 'w hde sn'te to (One too many, salty, swift and not goodbye) (Bank of Assholes / Your Money Is Shit)

37. Our Planet, Its Peoples and Resources: Preface (opaque, oddly seismic, prayers)

38. Reduction Ad Absurdam: Total War (handprints, emprientes, damaged fake money)

39. Misterioso / Monk / 1958 (maybe some of you don't know each other)

40. VO AS (who do i think i'm making this for?)

41. SHARK: Genius steam pocket mop (Ugly Spirit / in which I / write my way out)

42. Dream Act Now (necessary to encourage sufficient exploration)

43. a little bit of anti-writing

44. VISPO: Painting with modified stamps

45. soaked (water-damaged, distressed paper)


jim leftwich


for Ken Harris

experiment in collaborative living

1512 Mountainside Ct

Charlottesville, VA

August 1998 to August 2001

gathered and assembled while cleaning his room 08.14.01 - 08.18.2001

Notebook #1

trash, poetics, Bob Grumman, Edgard Varese, Cecil Taylor (For Olim), John Prine, xtant cards (a magazine of visual poetry, asemic calligraphy, text & image collages, short poems & other textual aggregates), Mike Basinski, Scott MacLeod, The Institute for Study and Application in Kohoutenberg, Ponsinganot (cf. rascible & kempt volume 1 p. 31), John High, Dismayed Scripts (Leftwich/Harris collab), Bothand The Warrior (Leftwich/Harris collab), El Salvador, Chiapas, John M. Bennett, asemic glyphs by Ken Harris, chords, Artaud, Rauschenberg, Jake Berry, Brambu Drezi, Conference of the Birds, Terence McKenna, Malok, An American Avant Garde: First Wave, Harris and Leftwich as Queceux and Lucentezza (very few instances of this, maybe one or two sessions, a handful of poems), Jonathan Fernandez, Ross Priddle, Intexts: In Taylor essay by Leftwich (solicited by Taylor, but not used in the 26 books publication) (the quote "WORDS having in the slide / of they goat toad form to / bleat like man with arms" is from Text IX, which is included in the online version here:  https://tomtaylorpoemsandtexts.blogspot.com/2007/03/texts.html -- but not in the print version, where sections 6, 8, 9 and 10 are omitted)

Notebook #2

trash, blurbs re Leftwich from MacLeod's emails, lists of blues players and songs recorded to cassettes by Leftwich from WTJU radio shows, John M. Bennett, Leftwich's Napster downloads, chords, anabasis, Poems for "Circles of Friends" collaboration with John Van Balen (Leftwich, San Francisco, 1985, exhibited in the gallery / student union hallway at SF State), "Introductions" poem by Leftwich (November 1973), John Crouse, David Baptiste Chirot, Tim Gaze, Brian Lucas, Sheila Murphy, Celestine Frost, Michael Basinski, many pages that wound up scattered through the final four issues of Juxta, Taz Delaney, Don Hilla, asemic glyphs by Ken Harris, CybpherAnthology of Discontiguous Literature Proposal by Luigi-Bob Drake, Jim Leftwich Papers Guide and Inventory, Vincent Ferrini, review of Leftwich's Sample Example by Lawrence Upton

Notebook #3

trash, emails to and from Scott MacLeod, asemic glyphs by Ken Harris, "Miracle Chambers" show in SF with my photos of garbage & plastic soldiers, emails to and from John High, Aleksei Parshchikov via John High re A Lexeography of The Sasha Poems, Stanton Peele on "the cognitive model of addiction", Billy Bragg / Woody Guthrie, Domhoff's Who Rules America?, pages from In These Times magazine, Vodun and related religions, copious links to art journals and texts online (2001), Terence McKenna ("Speaking in Tongues", etc), Lucinda Williams, Mogwai, Hakim Bey, Electronic Poetry Center, WTJU, Jerome Rothenberg papers, College Inn guest checks (where both Ken and I worked as drivers), The Seven by Nine Squares Neoist site, broadsides of found and modified stamps by leftwich (xtantbooks 2001), Quaker texts, Corner Parking Lot tickets (behind the College Inn, where we parked for our jobs), Ficus Strangulensis, Pete Spence, notes on Walter Marchetti from MacLeod, Nick's Bags (handwriting by Nick, the Greek cook and dispatcher at The College Inn, a kind of hybrid associational code as description of the contents of the bags to be delivered), essay entitled What The Fuck Is The Luther Blissett Project?, Ray Johnson Raymembered by Vittore Baroni

Notebook #4

trash, pages torn from National Geographic magazines, a large selection of asemic glyphs by Ken Harris, extensive selections from Staceal by jim leftwich (with many pages from Staceal 1, including the title poem, from 1995), Malok, Corner Parking Lot tickets, found vispo (cut by leftwich from a weathered cardboard poster), John M. Bennett, Mike Basinski, photos of 1512 Mountainside Ct by Leftwich taken on 08.10.2001 (including photos of some of my paintings from the early 90s and a wall assemblage from around the turn of the millennium, all of which were thrown in the dumpster when we moved to Roanoke in 2005)

Notebook #5

trash, pages torn from National Geographic magazines, extensive selections from Staceal 2 by jim leftwich, pages from In These Times magazine, a large selection of asemic glyphs by Ken Harris, Mark Sonnenfeld, handwritten chord x-change sheets by Harris, Tim Gaze, pages for Juxta 7 through 10, essay entitled Studying Whiteness by Salim Muwakkil (from In These Times), Avelino Araujo, Michael Basinski, poem-letters from Leftwich to Vincent Ferrini, Scott MacLeod, Hank Lazer, an essay on Kabakov from MacLeod, a page from Jack Foley's Autobiography, Ray Johnson, Mike Will

A manila envelope labeled by Harris "For Computer Experimentation (embossed, echoed, etc)", containing mostly his collages and asemic glyphs, with a few added samples of poems from Staceal. 13 sheets.

An Avery Address labels box, labeled Scraps Book Scraps by Leftwich and dated Aug 18, 2001. Maybe a hundred scraps of paper, in varying sizes, covered in quasi-calligraphic scribbling. Some by Harris, others by Leftwich. All unsigned. A mess. Scraped up off the floor. Raked from an abandoned desk. Destined in almost any circumstances for the nearest trashcan. Rescued in this instance as evidence of a collaborative process evolving into entropy and anonymity. I contain multitudes. Leftwich contains multitudes. Harris contains multitudes. You contain multitudes. Don't try to make this any simpler than it is. Collaborative living contains the logarithmic reproduction of multitudes. Identities multiply and vanish. Perchance to reappear any number of years later among some unimagined multitudes in their unforeseen containers.

jim leftwich


